Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2 Weeks in Lima

After two weeks in Lima with IFSA Butler, I have decided that it's time to start blogging. My time here has been a whirlwind of delicious food, culture shock, and bonding with my new IFSA Butler friends. Since so much time has passed in the last few days, I will take a little time to discuss two important aspects of my life: Food, and Peruvian Adventures.


So, the food here is great. I read a lot of guidebooks before I got here and they all said that the food here would be great. They were right. While walking down the street I can purchase 6 fresh churros for 2 soleis (less than $1). Needless to say, I'm looking to join a gym. Not only is the street food delicious, but Peruvian food in general is amazing. Since arriving, I have gone to three restaurants with my program, all three were buffets. The first restaurant was Peruvian food gringo style. There we were able to stuff ourselves with a toned down version of delicious Peruvian food. I would name some of the dishes but honestly, I was too busy eating to take note of what anything was called. The second restaurant served Chifa food, which is basically Peruvian Chinese food. Peruvian Chinese food is a completely different breed and I must say, it is far superior to American Chinese food. Chifa food includes all of the familiar dishes, and many of them have exotic fruit chunks sprinkled in. The third restaurant was traditional Peruvian food. Again, I have no idea what any of the dishes were called but I was surrounded by tasty rice, well-seasoned meat, and lots of nommy vegetables. The last restaurant that is important to mention is La Lucha. It is a chain sandwich place that has both Peruvian specialties and great burgers and fries. Also, it's a late night restaurant so it's always there when you want it.

Yes, there are a ton of great restaurants in Lima, but the best food that I've eaten has been at home. My host Mom, Juana, is a fantastic cook. Here, the largest meal is lunch, so every day at around 11 am she begins to cook a gigantic, traditional Peruvian meal. Every day she has prepared a different elaborate dish for me and I even got to cook with her one Sunday. Pictures to come soon of some of the amazing meals Mama Juanita has cooked.

Peruvian Adventures:

Oh, the adventures. Since my arrival two weeks ago I've learned a lot about Peruvian history as well as current Peruvian culture. One day we went to the Cathedral, where we got to see some beautiful art and also learn a little about Pizarro. Later that day we visited the catacombs, and that was a really crazy experience. First of all, the Monestary of San Francisco, where the catacombs are located, is beautiful. It wasn't as well-preserved as the Cathedral, but it looked a lot like Hogwarts so that was pretty awesome. Even more awesome were all of the skeletons that we got to see. The bones were uncovered and arranged in cool shapes--definitely a new and unique experience.

Other than these historical adventures, I've gotten to know the Peruvian culture via night life and "public transportation". I put public transportation in quotation marks because it's not really public. The buses, or combis as they are known here, are privately owned buses that run on commonly agreed upon routes. They are terrifying, but also extremely effective--I have never waited more than 10 minutes to get on a bus. Although I spent my first combi ride clutching my bag in one hand while using the other to hang on to a safety pole for dear life, I soon learned to love the combis. They can get you pretty much anywhere in the city, they come frequently, and they run all night.

As mentioned above, I've also learned about Peruvian culture through the night life, which is full of dancing and socialization. There are lots of interesting bars and late night restaurants where we can either surround ourselves with young Peruvians, or sit and talk amongst our group of friends. There are also a ton of great dance clubs. Overall, the night life here reflects the culture, diverse and very social.

So far I'm having a great time in Lima; I can't wait for the next 4 months. More posts to come on my time in Lima!


  1. Your post is making me hungry! Miss and love you, Mommy

  2. Yeah, the food seems amazing but I want to go to Hogwarts! You write well, Drew, and I can't wait to hear about your adventures in the next days and weeks. We all miss you too! Ellen (and Gabe, of course)
