Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mistura, what an adventure

So, I was lucky enough to be in Lima for Mistura, the largest food festival in Latin America. On Friday the thirteenth, my friends and I decided to take a combi because we thought it would be quicker and after a bad experience in a taxi a few weeks earlier, we were wary of cabs. After an hour and a half on the bus anticipating the magical Mistura, we turned a corner and saw hundreds of tents lined up on a beach.

We exited the bus and entered into they mystical land. At this point, we were all starving and therefore attracted to pretty much everything so the three of us decided to go to the "Mundo de Sandwich" (World of Sandwich) where we each bought a sandwich to share around. After stuffing ourselves as much as possible, we checked our map and headed toward "Mundo de los Tavernas y Barres", where we had the most delicious mixed drinks of Pisco. I have no idea what type of fruit juice they mixed my Pisco with, but one thing Peru has taught me is that I should just consume whatever someone gives me and not ask questions. It always tastes good.

After filling our bellies, a friend of ours told us that if we went to the market section of the fair, we could essentially eat a meal of free samples. So that's where we went and our friend was absolutely right. I ate until I couldn't walk straight. In fact, I ate to the point that I had to take a quick nap and was awoken by a security guard who told us that we couldn't sleep there.

Before our nap, my friend and I planned to stay in the magical land of Mistura all day. When we awoke, we realized that we had lives outside of the festival; the words "There is life outside of Mistura" came out of one of our mouths. We wandered trough the festival in search of our other two companions and continued to eat. Honestly, I have no idea what I ate next but it was absolutely delicious. Per usual.

On our way to "El Mundo de chocolate", a man asked to take his picture with us. This didn't phase us  because people often want to take pictures with gringos. Unfortunately, as we left el mundo de chocolate to head home, we realized that the man with whom we took the picture actually just wanted to steal my friend's wallet. Instead of going straight home, we spent about an hour trying (without success) to work with a group of useless police officers.

Needless to say, the beauty of Mistura was tarnished and we hopped in a cab home. After a long, over priced cab ride with a very lost cab driver, we got out and walked home. Although the day had a rough ending, I maintain that Mistura is the most magical place on earth.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are continuing to embrace all the good Peru has to offer, in spite of the occasional "dissatisfiers" Very proud of you my love! Mommy
